Master Your Mind and Accomplish Any Goal

The Neuroscience of High Performance

The problem is, we all think we're rational beings. But humans aren't rational - at least not without training. We're wired to be emotional, guided by forces beyond our conscious minds - muses, Gods, spirits... All of our unhappiness, frustrations, lack of discipline, consistency, and success can be traced to decisions made to satisfy our irrational emotions and egos. There is good news: we don't have to let our primitive, emotional brains run the show. This course will provide you with proven solutions to cultivate high performance habits and decision making. Here’s how to master your mind, improve discipline and consistency so you can accomplish any goal and become a more significant human. Because these processes are based on the neuroscience and the understanding of how the human brain works, if you’re human, with a human brain and human physiology, these strategies will work for you.
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Master Your Mind Academy is a succinct template to understand the forces at place between our ears so we can:

  • Operate with greater awareness. Awareness creates choice - stretch your knowledge base so you can operate with greater personal and situational awareness

  • Identify weakness and blind spots that are currently holding you back - and offer you the greatest opportunities for growth.

  • Learn how to reverse engineer any process and master the art of goal setting, so you can become a time management and productivity ninja who delivers results, not excuses.

  • Learn how to focus on actions, not outcomes and how this process driven approach is the key to ending procrastination, creating discipline, consistency and confidence that outlast fleeting motivation.

  • Cultivate personal leadership that translates to any pursuit and enables us to demonstrate great leadership in any situation.

Hear What Others Have To Say

“Thank you so much for a super informative workshop this weekend. I am truly grateful that I was able to attend. I really like the fact that you armed me with tangible tools to use once the “motivational high” wears off. I am still in awe at how you were able to light a fire in me without a fancy dog and pony show. I think it is really the focus and simple attainable steps that make me feel like I can do “this”. Rather than “you can do this” you were like “this is HOW you can do this”.”

Health & Wellness Coach


“Andrea and I got a lot out of this workshop and have been holding each other accountable. Our production is higher, my income is up and motivation is high - Thank you again!! Do yourself a favor and attend one of Ryan's workshops and read the book. Motivation level is at a whole new level now!”


Dr. Jim Matchett

“I learned so much that I can use immediately to help myself achieve my short term and long term goals. To be able to identify those steps was incredible!”

Personal Trainer

Scott Baker

Master Your Mind



Course curriculum

  • 01
    Welcome to the Master Your Mind Academy!
    Show Content
    • Welcome + Getting Started + What To Expect
  • 02
    Section 1: All Progress Starts With The Truth
    Show Content
    • 1.0 Our Agreements & Expectations
    • 1.1 The Magic Wand
    • 1.2 Who Were You Before The BS?
    • 1.2 [AUDIO Companion] Amateurs Seek Incapacity
    • 1.3 Higher & Lower Level Thinking
    • 1.4 Strengths, Weaknesses, and Quadrants of Competency
    • 1.5 Your 4 Clean Aces
    • 1.6 Declarations
    • 1.7 The Process and The 360 Degree Sphere
    • 1.8 Your Life Is Perfectly Designed For The Results You're Currently Getting
    • BONUS VIDEO: Comfort Zones
  • 03
    Section 2: Human OS
    Show Content
    • 2.1 Are You A Cook or a Chef? FREE PREVIEW
    • 2.2 Human OS, Feelings, Decisions and Neuroscience
    • 2.2 [AUDIO Companion] Wisdom = Memory - Emotion
    • 2.3 Awareness Creates Choice
    • 2.4 Fear Vs. Anxiety
    • 2.4 [AUDIO Companion 1] Fear Vs. Anxiety
    • 2.4 [AUDIO Companion 2] How Navy SEALs Overcome Fear & Anxiety
    • 2.5 Act As If
    • 2.6 States & Traits: Change Physiology = Change Mental Experience
    • BONUS VIDEO: Hacking Physiology
  • 04
    Section 3: Individual Responsibility/Personal Leadership
    Show Content
    • 3.1 Lead Yourself First. Lead Always.
    • 3.2 Leaders Set The Ceiling.
    • 3.3 Individual Responsibility, Trust and Teamwork
    • 3.4 Culture: Accountability & Consequences
    • 3.5 The Leadership Hourglass
    • 3.5 [AUDIO Companion] Leadership As An Hourglass
    • BONUS Workshop VIDEO 1: Leadership (Part 1)
    • BONUS Workshop Video 2: High Performance Communication
  • 05
    Section 4: High Performance Time Management
    Show Content
    • 4.1 High Performance > Peak Performance
    • 4.2 What Do You Want?
    • 4.3 Distortions
    • 4.3 [AUDIO Companion] BHP Shorts: Distorted Perceptions Podcast Episode
    • 4.4 Peeling The Onion: 567
    • 4.5 Time Management: Quadrants of Importance & Being Bono
    • 4.5 [AUDIO Companion] BHP Short: Essentialism
    • 4.6 Reducing Distractions & Interference
    • BONUS Workshop VIDEO: Being Bono and The Quadrants of Importance
    • BONUS VIDEO: Time Management
  • 06
    Section 5: ACTIONS, Not Outcomes.
    Show Content
  • 07
    Congrats, Thank You & Next Steps...
    Show Content
    • Congratulations & Thank You
    • Before you go...
  • 08
    Show Content
    • Check Yes or No
    • AM Routine
    • Goal and Context
    • Learn By Doing
    • Patience and Taoism
  • Instructor

    Instructor Bio:

    Ryan Munsey has a Dietetics degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition from Clemson University. He’s the former owner of House Of Strength performance training facility, author of F*ck Your Feelings and co-founder of the Better Human Project. Ryan works as a speaker and consultant for performance-focused teams around the world, including elite military and law enforcement groups, Olympic and professional athletes, Entrepreneurs and business leaders.

    Ryan Munsey

    Creator and Senior Instructor

    Ryan Munsey


  • How Long Is the Course?

    This course was created from the transformative Better Human Workshop. More than 10 hours of content have been distilled into this course, and you have lifetime access to this course and the material inside. While you could complete the course in one or two longer sessions, I suggest dedicating 30-60 minute blocks of time every few days to allow yourself time to assimilate and synthesize the information and exercises in this course.

  • Is the course self-guided?

    Yes, the course is designed for you to be able to complete it on your own and at your own pace. You have lifetime access. You also have the option to go through the course with 1:1 coaching with me.

  • Are there printable materials for the course?

    Yes, there is a Workbook that goes along with the course so you can write your answers to the exercises, take notes, and have this as a resource as long as you wish to keep it. You will also get access to the slides from the Better Human Workshop.

Master Your Mind & Accomplish Any Goal