Fuel The Pursuit

High Performance Meets Western & Big Game Hunting

We're obsessed with human performance and potential. We're also passionate backcountry hunters.

We don't believe these two passsions are - or should be - mutually exclusive. If you're passionate about challenging yourself through outdoor adventures AND you're into health, longevity, and performing optimally, we've got you covered.

Whether you're a first time Western hunter or you've filled dozens of big game tags, Fuel The Pursuit is here to help you get the most out of your hunts!

When we're not hunting in the Rockies or guiding on the Blue Ribbon trout waters of Montana, we're coaching elite performers in the worlds of military, law enforcement, sports, and business - and we want to bring the performance optimizing strategies used by these tip of the spear humans to our spear-toting brethren in the mountains.

If you're ready to ditch the Snickers Bar and Ramen Noodles, so you can think, fuel, train, move, and act like a high performer, let's dive in!

  • We called this project called Fuel The Pursuit for a reason. We want to help you move, think, and perform like an Apex predator in the mountains - this year, and for years to come.
  • We’re passionate about health, human optimization, and human performance. We don’t care how you look, how much you weigh or how pretty your meal looks on Instagram.
  • This isn’t about diet or weight loss. The nutritional side of Fuel The Pursuit is about more than “calories in vs. calories out”.
  • Our proven protocols are built on cutting edge nutrition and performance research, not long outdated dietary paradigms that don't work.
  • Yes, food is fuel, but it’s also much more than that. Food is chemical information for your cells and everything we put into our bodies has both short and long term effects on our physiology, psychology, and performance.

What You're Getting

Make This Your Best Hunting Season Yet

  • Backcountry Fuel

    Chef & Nutritionist designed meal plans that taste great, Done For You Spreadsheets that minimize bulk and weight in your pack, and provide all the nutrients + energy you need to conquer the mountains and fill your tags!

  • Mountain Athlete Training

    Year-round, and pre-hunt training programs from a renowned strength coach to turn you into the Apex Predator so you can cover more ground, with less effort, and hunt harder, longer, and better.

  • Mental Toughness

    Develop unbreakable mental toughness with tactics from performance coaches who work with Olympians and Navy SEALs to help you stay focused, make better decisions, and overcome adversity.


Hours Of Content, Spreadsheets, Meal Plans, 12-Months of Training - Everything You Need To Conquer Your Hunts!

  • FITNESS: Training To Become A Mountain Goat - how to train for backcountry hunts, sports science simplified, fun, no-gym-required workouts and the best program ever created for backcountry hunters

  • NUTRITION - healthy eating made simple with delicious and easy to follow plans for the OFF-SEASON and on the mountain during your hunts (stoveless, backpacking, and car camping options),

  • FEEL GREAT: Unlock all day energy, end joint pain, learn how to lose fat without sacrificing taste or performance

  • BE KING OF THE MOUNTAIN: sleep better, recover faster, and spring out of your tent on Day 5 of your hunt full of energy and ready to conquer all!

Fuel The Pursuit Delivers Results

Hear what other backcountry hunters and athletes are saying about Fuel The Pursuit:

“I’m dominating the mountains like never before! Mike and Ryan have me feeling the best I’ve ever felt while hunting.”

Born And Raised Outdoors

Trent Fisher

“The mental toughness is soo good! It creates a blueprint for obtaining it and tools for thinking this way. One of the best pieces I have read on mental toughness. Pure gold!”

Bowhunter, Eastman's Elevated Host

Brian Barney

“There is a lot of (really) bad advice out there for hunters. Mike and Ryan are two of the best to do it anywhere. We're lucky to have them bringing this much-needed information to the hunting space.”

AF Master Sergeant & Hunter

Zach Hildebrand

Meet Your Instructors

“Ryan Munsey has a Dietetics degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition from Clemson University. He’s the former owner of House Of Strength performance training facility, author of F*ck Your Feelings and co-founder of the Better Human Project. Ryan works as a speaker and consultant for performance-focused teams around the world, including elite military and law enforcement groups, Olympic and professional athletes, Entrepreneurs and business leaders.”

Co-Creator & Senior Instructor

Ryan Munsey

“Mike Lum is a certified performance specialist who runs You 3 Wellness in Bozeman, Montana. He’s also veteran fishing guide, with three decades of experience as a guide on the world famous Madison River. ”

Co-Creator & Senior Instructor

Mike Lum

Fuel The Pursuit

Backcountry hunting specific strategies from two of the world's leading high performance coaches
Get Started Now
Fuel The Pursuit